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The comparison period is January 2016 to December 2023. US equities are represented by the strongest and broadest index, the S&P 500, German equities by the DAX and emerging market equities by the iShares MSCI Emerging Index Fund. Individual shares may deviate. For real estate we take a nationwide average and gold is represented by the globally tradable gold futures market.
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You will find comprehensible share valuations, long-term and short-term chart analyses and a reliable risk assessment of indices/ETFs, shares, cryptocurrencies and commodities.
The secret behind our success.
We analyze a large number of stocks, indices/ETFs, cryptocurrencies and commodities on a daily basis. We make these analyses available to you in the customer area. We show a short and long-term price forecast of the market development.
Invest successfully with us as your partner.
Follow our approach. We only trade shares and ETFs with very high potential while avoiding risks.
Receive precise analyses based on comprehensible data. Our analyses are clearly structured, simple and easy to understand to show you in which direction the price will move.
We manage our portfolio live, transparently and in real time. This allows you to see where we are invested at any time and how well our portfolio is performing.
The market is constantly changing. Our watchlist contains promising shares with potential for the future. This is how we prepare for tomorrow’s success.
Analyses, forecasts & trading signals.
Our analysis and forecasting packages offer you orientation in every market phase and security for sustainable trading success.
Everyone has goals.
Which are yours?
Almost all goals in life depend on your financial resources. It doesn’t matter whether it’s your retirement provision, buying an apartment or house, taking a longer break or financing your children’s education. Even smaller wishes, such as a new car or a fancy couch. Everything costs money.