Frequently asked questions

Questions about the subscription

Where can I book a product/subscription?

Simply click on “Products” in the menu at the top of our homepage. There you can choose the right product for you and then click on “Buy”. You will then be guided through the booking process.

Where can I log in?

At the top right of the website you will find the “Log in” button. If you click on it, you can log in with your login details, your e-mail address and your password.

Please note that you can only log in with your access data on one device at a time. If you log in on another device, you will automatically be logged out on your other device.

Where can I see how long my subscription will run for?

You can find your subscription term in your account settings when you are logged in. You can access this conveniently via your dashboard.

Will my subscription be renewed automatically?

If you do not cancel at least one day before the end of your subscription period, your subscription will be renewed automatically. Monthly subscriptions are always extended by a further month. Annual subscriptions are automatically converted into a monthly, non-discounted subscription at the end of the 12-month term.

Can I convert my existing product/subscription into another one?

For example, if you have booked BASIC or STANDARD, you can upgrade to STANDARD or PROFESSIONAL at any time. If you do this, the unused balance that you have already paid will be credited to your new subscription. This also works if you switch from a monthly subscription to an annual subscription.
Of course, you can also downgrade your subscription. However, you must cancel your current subscription to do this. You can only buy a lower subscription after your current subscription has expired.

You can easily make changes while logged in via the “My account” tile in your dashboard.

Can I get discounts?

But of course you can get a whopping 15% discount from us on all products. Simply book the annual subscription that suits you best and you will receive a 15% discount from us on the annual fee for your subscription.
Please note that if you book an annual subscription, you will pay the total amount minus the 15% discount in advance.

Can I extend my annual subscription for another year?

Unfortunately, that is not possible. The law prohibits us from proceeding in this way. Unfortunately, after 12 months your subscription will automatically be converted to a monthly subscription with no discount. To still benefit from our 15% discount for new customers, you must cancel your subscription and take out a new annual subscription with us.

Can I get a volume discount if I want several subscriptions/licenses?

But of course you can. Simply contact us via the contact form or via our e-mail address,, and let us know how many licenses you would like to purchase. We will then be happy to make you an offer.

When will the monthly contributions be debited from my account?

Your monthly fees will always be debited at the start of the respective subscription period. For example: if you have booked on the 5th of a month, your contributions will always be collected on the 5th of the following months.

When will the annual amounts be debited from my account?

When you take out an annual subscription, you pay the full annual fee less the 15% discount in advance. If you pay electronically, for example by credit card or PayPal, the payment is made during the booking process.

How can I cancel my subscription?

We also make this as easy as possible for you. You can cancel your subscription at any time by giving one working day’s notice to the next possible date (either one day before the end of the monthly or annual term) in your account settings. There you will find an “End” button under the entry for your active subscription. Once we have received your cancellation, you will receive a confirmation from us. There will be no further renewal at the end of the term.

What is the Postbox?

In the postbox you will find all the notifications we send you about changes we make to your portfolio or watchlist. These can be entries into new stocks, additional purchases of existing stocks, exits or partial exits from the portfolio, the addition of a new stock or the removal of an old stock from the watchlist.

If you have agreed to receive e-mails/newsletters, you will also receive these notifications by e-mail.

Please note that this service is only available from the STANDARD module onwards.

Why am I not getting any e-mails from you?

To receive our messages by e-mail, you must agree to receive e-mails/newsletters. You can change this setting at any time when you are logged in via “My account”.

Please note that this service is only available from the STANDARD module onwards.

What are push notifications?

These notifications are displayed on your PC, laptop, smartphone or tablet like an incoming email, SMS, WhatsApp or other messages. We only send these notifications when new analyses on ETFs or shares are available for you on our website.

If you are not logged in when a push notification is sent, you will also find a note on new analyses directly behind the “Analysis” button of the respective ETF/stock so that you can see immediately where there is news for you.

Please note that this service is only available to you from the STANDARD module onwards and that you must agree to receive push notifications separately. If you do not wish to do so, you will only find the reference to new analyses behind the “Analysis” button of the respective ETF/share.

Why don't I get a push notification from you?

To receive push notifications from us, you must agree to this service, otherwise we will not be able to send you any push notifications. You can change your settings at any time by clicking on the bell at the bottom right of your screen, or manage your notifications under My account when you are logged in.

Please note that this service is only available to you from the STANDARD module and that this service is linked to a device and/or a browser.

Which subscription makes the most sense for me?

BASIC makes sense if you don’t (yet) want to trade shares and want to concentrate fully on ETFs.
STANDARD makes sense if you are looking for a smart combination of equities and ETFs. From this module onwards, you will also receive PUSH notifications from us.
PROFESSIONAL makes sense if you want to have full control over all ETFs, shares, cryptocurrencies and the commodity gold.

Questions about the account

I have forgotten my password. What do I do now?

It’s happened to everyone before. Don’t worry about it. Simply click on “Forgot your password?” in the login window (opens when you click on “Log in” at the top of the page). Then enter an e-mail address in the field provided and submit the form. You will then receive an e-mail from us with a link. Click on this link. Our website will open where you can set a new password.

What payment methods can I use to pay for my subscription?

We accept all common payment options such as direct debit (SEPA), all major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners), PayPal, Google Pay and Apple Pay.

Where can I change my bank details/means of payment?

You can change your bank details or payment method in the “My account” section of your login area/dashboard.

Where can I change my e-mail address?

You can change your e-mail address in the “My account” section of your login area/dashboard.

Where can I change my name?

If you got married, we wish you all the best! You can change your name in the “My account” section of your login area/dashboard.

Where can I find my invoices?

You can find your invoices in the “My account” area in your login area/dashboard under “My invoices”.

Questions about the analyses

Where can I find my analyses?

If you have booked a product with us, you must first log in. Your dashboard will then open. You can access the analyses via the dashboard. To do this, simply click on the desired product, i.e. either ETFs (which also contains the indices, cryptocurrencies and gold), sample portfolio or watchlist. In the respective overviews, simply click on “Analyses” and you will be taken to the analysis overview of the security you have selected.

How are the analyses structured? Do I need specialist knowledge for this?

Don’t worry, you don’t need any specialist knowledge. We make it as easy as possible for you. In the price charts, we always explain to you very simply and precisely in which direction we believe the stock is most likely to move in the short and long term. We show you in a chart which price trend we expect in the short and long term. The arrows shown there illustrate where the journey is heading. We limit ourselves to two possible paths that we believe the price can take at the time the analysis is prepared. Our method is essentially based on mathematical probabilities.

The more important part for you is the explanation, the text below the analyses. There we briefly summarize where we currently stand, where the journey is most likely heading and how we are dealing with it. For example, whether we are preparing for an upcoming low in order to be able to buy a share/an ETF.

On the“Method” page you will find a detailed explanation of how the charts are structured.

For which securities can I get current analyses?

You will receive up-to-date analyses on some of our indices and ETFs if you have booked either BASIC or STANDARD.

From STANDARD onwards, we not only offer you a complete overview of our portfolio, but also all analyses of all securities that we currently hold in our portfolio, as well as all analyses of all securities that we monitor in our watchlist. And, of course, a push notification from us as soon as we make a change there. For example, a new stock in the watchlist, a further purchase of a stock or sales or partial sales.

From PROFESSIONAL onwards, all analyses are available to you. This includes all indices, all ETFs, all shares in the watchlist and our model portfolio, as well as the two cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Ethereum and gold.

Where do the prices in the price charts that are shown in the analyses come from?

The price charts show the result of the sum of the actions of all traders. If the majority of traders sell, the price falls; if the majority of traders buy, the price rises.

We obtain our price charts from Tradingview, a provider of analysis chart software based in the USA. Via Tradingview, we obtain the market data directly from the respective stock exchanges or the corresponding data providers.

Why are different prices displayed in the analysis charts than in the depot and in the push notifications?

In the analysis charts, we only use price data from the respective domestic stock exchanges in order to achieve a better analysis result. For US stocks, the price data is in US dollars. Our model portfolio is managed in EURO. The US price data is automatically converted and shown accordingly in euros in the model portfolio. Please note that currency differences may arise from the conversion.

How can I be sure that I am trading the right ETF/share?

If you want to trade the stocks and/or ETFs that we also trade, you will find the ISIN at the top of each analysis. This sequence of numbers and letters is like a fixed address, like your e-mail address. It only exists once and is uniquely assigned to you. The ISIN is the best way to select the share/ETF in your broker screen. If you trade other stocks than we do, you can also find the ISINs on the Internet.

Questions about Depot / Watchlist

Where can I find the sample portfolio?

You can access our sample portfolio either directly from the start page in the bar at the top under “Portfolio” or via your login area/your dashboard. Simply click on the “Securities account” tile and the securities account overview will open. Please note that you can only access the full service of our model portfolio, including analyses of the shares/ETFs we hold, sales, transaction history and push notifications, in the login area from the STANDARD product onwards.

What is the difference between a watchlist and a model portfolio?

In the watchlist we only list stocks that we find interesting but do not yet hold in our portfolio. We want to give you an insight into our stock/ETF selection. Perhaps you already hold one of these stocks. We do analyses for both areas, for all stocks/ETFs that are already in our model portfolio and also for the stocks/ETFs that we currently only have in our watchlist. This keeps you well informed.

What is special about the Liberty Stock Markets model portfolio?

Our model portfolio is structured in the same way as any other portfolio, such as yours. It has no starting value and no target value. Other model portfolios, for example, are set up annually and have a fixed budget. When the budget is used up, the custody account is full and no further trading is possible. We save in our portfolio monthly, just like you should. This keeps us liquid for further purchases of interesting shares with high profit potential. Our portfolio is endless in the sense that we don’t set it up anew every year, but instead continue to maintain it and work on its growth.

Our model portfolio is a real-life example of how our analysis method and trading strategy lead to steady and sustainable growth. Not only do you get full insight into our actions, you also receive up-to-date analyses from us for every share we hold, so that you are well informed and can make better decisions.

How is the Liberty Stock Markets model portfolio structured?

Our sample portfolio shows in the overview exactly what you can see with your broker. First of all, this includes all shares held, including the number of shares, profit/loss in euros and percentage and the current value in euros of the respective share/ETF position. In addition, you can see a complete history of our sales and every transaction (purchases, sales, dividends, partial sales) that we have made since the launch of our model portfolio in 2016. Everything is simple, clear and comprehensible for you at all times. You can measure us by our actions every day.

What is shown in the sample portfolio performance overview and what do the terms mean?

The performance overview is a brief summary of the status and history of our model portfolio.

Invested capital:

This is the amount of money currently invested in shares/ETF positions in the model portfolio.

Price gains:

The current profit from the shares/ETFs we hold.


The total amount of dividends earned by us from equity positions (a form of additional interest on shares).

Realized profit:

This is the profit realized through sales. In other words, the money that we have earned through our actions.

Total return:

This is the sum of the individual parts mentioned above. Our overall performance.

When will new titles be added to your watchlist?

Unfortunately, we cannot give a general answer to this question because it depends on whether and, if so, when an interesting title emerges for us. Our analysis team is always on the lookout for stocks that meet our inclusion criteria. We only add stocks to our watchlist or our portfolio if they meet our strict selection criteria.

Can I submit suggestions for new titles to you?

Due to the large number of requests, we would like to ask you to refrain from doing so. We know that there are many interesting shares. But this is only the first step. Our selection criteria are very strict and it is not enough for us that a stock is simply known. Our selection process is not only strict, but also precise and correspondingly time-consuming.

Other questions

Is Liberty Stock Markets also available as an app?

No, but you can easily save the mobile version of our website to your smartphone or tablet screen with an app icon via your browser (e.g. Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Explorer). Then you’ll always have everything to hand. To do this, simply go to Settings in the respective browser and click on “Add to home screen” in the menu. There may be slight differences in the menu navigation for individual browsers.

Can I trade shares with just a few 100 euros?

This actually works very well. Some brokers have been offering the option of trading small quantities of shares for some time now. So you don’t necessarily have to buy whole shares, but can also buy half a share or even less. The decisive factor is not how much money you can invest, but that you are doing something for your assets. You can reach your financial goal even with small amounts.

How can I create a custody account?

As you cannot usually trade shares/ETFs via normal current or call money accounts, you should open a so-called brokerage account. It is best to ask your bank about this. Alternatively, you can also open a brokerage account with another bank. Online banks usually offer much more favorable conditions than traditional house banks. Seek advice and do some research on the Internet. There you will find good and important information on this topic. Unfortunately, we cannot and may not advise you on this.